
Now weather forecast at block level in Tehri Garhwal

The Rural Meteorological Service Centre, Ranichauri on behalf of the Met department has decided to provide weather forecast at Block level in district Tehri Garhwal thus helping in reducing the crop damage due to inclement weather.

The farmers of the district will be able to get accurate information about the subtle micro- level changes in weather and climate at the block level.  This will facilitate the farmers to make plans for better sowing to harvesting of crops. Large scale farming is done in Tehri district. Due to non-availability of timely weather forecasting, the farmers ‘ crops are damaged, causing them to suffer economic losses.

Weather Service Centre has started preparing weather forecasting information at the block level. The farmers are being joined with WhattsApp group  and the farmers will get the forecast of coming four days on Monday and Friday regularly and the messages will also be sent about any storm, lightning or thundery conditions.

The farmers will have to register by sending the name of their village and block on 9410944889. The information will be sent accordingly on his WhatsApp.

Advisories are being sent to the farmers at the district level. After successful advisory trial at block level, farmers will be able to get information according to their block. “To connect with this, farmers will be required to register on WhatsApp number”, said Prakash Negi, technical officer, Rural Weather Service Centre, Ranichauri.

Friday, 08 January 2021 | Vinod Chamoli | New Tehri

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