
Congress to protest against Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification today

Sunday, 26 March 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN

In protest against disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from parliament, the Uttarakhand Congress will hold dharnas in the block and district headquarters of the State on Sunday. The general secretary  (organisation) of Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Vijay Saraswat said that the PCC president Karan Mahara has given a call to the Congressmen to hold Buddhi Shuddhi Yagnas in all the blocks and districts on March 26 so that good sense prevails over the Narendra Modi government. The party workers would also hold Dharnas before the statues of Mahatma Gandhi from 10 am till evening on the day.

Saraswat said that the BJP is trying to stifle the voice of opposition by using undemocratic means. He said that this step would prove fatal for a healthy democracy in the country. Saraswat added that the BJP government is using the central agencies to suppress opposition in the country. He said that the Congress party would continue to raise the voice of the people both in the parliament and outside it..

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