Varied concerns influence people in Haridwar civic polls

People voted on issues ranging from infrastructural development, sanitation and education to livelihood in areas falling under the Municipal Corporation of Haridwar in the civic polls on Thursday. A number of first-time voters were also seen exercising their franchise in various parts of the city.While the possible impact of the Har Ki Paidi corridor was prominent for the voters in some areas, many also voted according importance to issues like cleanliness and development.
Members of the business fraternity and those in the travel industry said that they were influenced by the issue of the Har Ki Paidi corridor. Kavita in the Ramnagar area said that she had voted on issues like clean water, electricity, development and women’s safety. First-time voter Sadaf said, “My vote will go to the candidate who provides education to the girls in my society. The girls in my community are in need of education which should be facilitated for them.”
Another young voter Atif in the Ramnagar area opined that the people need change as development will naturally follow. Expressing his concern at the possible impact of the Har Ki Paidi corridor, Deepak Kumar in the Brahmapuri area said that the corridor will negatively affect the businesses of many locals. “I kept this in mind while casting my vote,” he said. Another voter Ajay Bisht said that he had accorded importance to the issue of cleanliness while casting his vote in the civic polls.