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Traffic director cycles in Doon to check various aspects

Saturday, 18 September 2021 | PNS | Dehradun

The Uttarakhand Traffic director Mukhtar Mohsin cycled in various areas of Dehradun city to ascertain various aspects of traffic movement and management on Friday.

Seeking information about the condition of various traffic junctions, he tried to ascertain aspects like traffic flow, vehicular load and problems being faced at such junctions. Mohsin also learnt about the condition of traffic signals at various intersections and issued directions for necessary action where required.

Pressing the emergency call box button at Survey Chowk, provided to facilitate emergency police and medical help to citizens, the Traffic director received a response from a constable in the control room. He also checked the NNPR cameras, CCTV cameras, warning buttons and panic buttons installed at intersections.

Mohsin also directed the traffic inspector to tow vehicles kept in the no-parking zone at Clock Tower and between Nany Bakery and Survey Chowk. He also directed the officials concerned to take necessary action to prevent city buses from dropping passengers at the turns at Prince Chowk. The Traffic director also interacted with members of the general public to learn about their views about the traffic situation.

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