
SDRF rescues cows trapped under debris

Wednesday, 19 July 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN

The State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) rescued three cows trapped under the debris in Narayanbagad village of Chamoli district on Tuesday. The officials said that the district disaster control room informed SDRF that three cows and one calf are trapped under the debris which fell on their shed due to heavy rain.

A team immediately reached the spot along with the necessary equipment to rescue the cattle. The officials said that the team members removed debris manually and via machines to carry out the rescue operation. Three cows were soon rescued from under the debris but the calf had died. The team provided necessary treatment to cows that sustained some minor injuries after which, they were handed over to their respective owners, added officials.

The SDRF commandant Manikant Mishra said that SDRF is dedicated to assisting everybody in critical times whether it is human or animal. He said that SDRF teams are actively working across the State. He has also directed teams to stay on high alert on Tuesday, especially those deployed near rivers, as the water level is expected to rise due to heavy rainfall in mountainous districts.

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