
Uttkhand ranked third in Gross Enrollment Ratio

Monday, 07 June 2021 | PNS | Dehradun

NITI Aayog’s report on SDG

In the recently released rankings of the NITI Aayog on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) marked by the United Nations, Uttarakhand is on third position in the country on Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) of the students between 18 to 23 years age group in the enrolment in higher education institutes. The state received 70 marks in the field of education and is in fourth position in the country.

The United Nations SDG is based on 16 parameters and education is fourth among them. The higher education is taken under Goal number 4.3 in the report and is associated with Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) of 18 to 23 age group youth. In this parameter Sikkim is in first position in the country with 53.9 marks, Himachal Pradesh in second spot with 39.6 and Uttarakhand in third position in the country with 39.1 marks. In goal number four which is associated with education (primary, upper primary, secondary, higher) Kerala with 80 marks is in top position in the country followed by Himachal Pradesh ( 74), Goa ( 71) and Uttarakhand ( 70).

Expressing happiness at the high rankings the state received in SDG parameters, the state minister for higher education Dhan Singh Rawat has appreciated the role of educationists, teachers, officers and employees of the education department. “The high ranking obtained by the state in the education sector would prove to be a milestone for the state and would boost the morale of the teachers and encourage the students and their parents,’’ he said.

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